Buy Contact Lenses Online
No one way is the best way to purchase contact lenses online unless you buy contacts directly from your eye care professional or doctor. Chances are a eye doctor carries what you need in stock, but if not, he / she can get it fast. Buying contact lenses direct from your eye doctor not only saves you a trip to the store, but is the safest, fastest, most convenient way to purchase contact lenses.
How do I order contact lenses online?
First, you must get an I.D. and password from an authorized practitioner. Use our FIND A DOCTORsm feature to find out who in your area may be a contact lens seller or search in your local search engine directory using terms such as " eye doctor" or " where you live)" or " eye care professional."
Isn't it easier just to call an online retailer?
Despite unconditional guarantees offered by discount contact lens retailers online, your eye doctor is better qualified to dispense contact lenses. Your eye care professional has a stake in your eye health and knows the pros and cons of various contact lens brands and products. Contact lens wearers overwhelmingly trust the direction of their eye doctor, prefer purchasing health care products from specialists and would rather pay the extra dollar or two to experience personalized patient care when buying contact lenses.
Do I save money buying contact lenses online from
You save a trip to the store, which saves on gas and reduces your carbon footprint on the environment. A eye care practitioner will also ensure that you take advantage of manufacturer's rebates, discount pricing and all promotions available to you. participating practitioners have access to promotions others don't.
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How to get FREE Shipping on contact lenses
Your eye care professional knows what contact lens brands and products come with free shipping. FREE Shipping deals are typically limited time offers to which eye doctors get advance notice. Many annual supplies of contact lenses at come not only with free shipping, but are discounted 20% and more during promotional periods.
1-2 week disposable, 1-3 month disposable FREE Shipping
If you wear disposable contact lenses, you need to take full advantage of the benefits that come with buying an annual supply of contact lenses. In addition to FREE shipping on many of these deals, you can save up to $5 a box. That's a lot of money at the end of the year.
FREE Shipping on brand name contact lenses
Many brand name manufacturers of contact lenses frequently offer free shipping on contacts when you agree to buy an annual supply-and if you wear daily disposables, buying annual supplies is definitely the way to go!
Also, when you buy contact lenses online from a eye care professional, you just might get a 20% discount on top of that, as long as manufacturer's contact lens rebates apply, or other promotional offers and / or contact lens discounts are in place
Will I always get FREE Shipping on annual supplies of contact lenses?
No. Not always. The key is to know when to buy, which is what eye doctors knows-the time of year for patients to get the best deals on annual supplies. eye doctors get a heads up on contact lens discounts even before some large retailers do. Long-term the value is better when you purchase contact lenses from an authorized eye care professional.
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Sign up for AutoShip and maximize compliance
AutoShip is the easiest, most efficient way of ordering contact lenses and maintaining a high level of contact lens compliance. Once enrolled in AutoShip, your contact lenses are delivered automatically, direct to your home or office, based on intervals determined by you and your eye doctor. You'll never run out of contact lenses again. Your eyes and your vision thank you.
Why is compliance so important?
Your eye health depends on it. Contact lenses are designed to last for only so long. Although made of durable plastic, contact lens materials breakdown over time, causing distorted vision and discouraging eye health. If you don't think disposable contact lenses are right for you, talk to your eye doctor about gas permeable lenses designed to last up to a year or longer.
What are the risks of going out of compliance?
You risk good vision and healthy eyes, so don't even consider it. Surprisingly enough, more than 40% of contact lens wearers go out of compliance at one time or another. Many go unaffected by wearing contact lenses beyond their compliance date, while others suffer from protein buildup, eye infection, discomfort and impaired vision.
Does AutoShip cost anything extra?
Absolutely not! AutoShip is a value-added service provided by eye care professionals. In fact, you can save money by enrolling in AutoShip because you either sign up for a six-month or yearly supply, which can result in a savings of up to $5 per box and qualify you for other contact lens promotional offers.
How does AutoShip know when to deliver contact lenses?
You and your doctor decide together when and where you want contact lenses to arrive. Keep in mind the goal of AutoShip is to never run out of contact lenses again and to maximize eye health and vision by following healthy contact lens compliance standards.
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