Contact Lens Products

We offer a large selection of fashionable eyewear, the most up to date Sunglass styles and the latest in contact lenses. Look forward to seeing in style with eye wear brands to come like: Maui Jim, Oakley, Cazal, BeBe, Vogue,Ray Ban, and many others!we are also a Premium Outfiter for Costa Del-Mar sunglasses in which are backed by a Lifetime Warranty.Check us out On-Line..

Contact Lens Care

More often than not, eyestrain, itchy eyelids and / or irritation are eye problems everyone experiences at one time or another-some can be chronic, but most aren't serious. You'd be surprised how gently resting a warm compress on closed eyes will help relieve most temporary common eye problems.

How to choose the right contact lens cleaning solution

Choosing the best cleaning solution for your contact lenses is easier than most people think. Choices include Multipurpose Contact Lens Solutions and Hydrogen Peroxide Cleaning Solution. Both are effective at cleaning contact lens buildup and residue and both have pros and cons. Ask your eye care professional which contact lens cleaning solution is right for you.

Then again, you may want to consider switching to daily disposable contact lenses and never worry about cleaning contact lenses again!

What is the difference between Multipurpose and Hydrogen Peroxide solutions?

Multipurpose contact lens solution is known as "no-rub" solution because it cleans and disinfects your contacts with a simple soak-and-rinse process. You're not required to handle your contact lenses with multipurpose contact lens solution but eye care professionals encourage a quick mechanical rub for good measure.

Hydrogen Peroxide contact lens solution disinfects your contact lenses with a combination of saline solution and hydrogen peroxide. Eye doctors recommend cleaning your lenses with either a one or two-step process before placing them in the solution--the hydrogen peroxide does the rest. Rinse contacts with a saline solution and they're ready to wear another day.

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Common problems with contact lenses

Without proper care and compliance contact lenses can create problems from a simple eye infection to permanent vision loss. On the other hand, care for contact lenses properly, and replace disposable contact lenses when you're supposed to, and you'll enjoy healthy sight for years to come.

Whether you're wearing contact lenses for the first time or changing prescriptions, a few easy steps will optimize your contact lens experience. Wash your hands every time before handling contacts and clean your contact lenses as recommended by the manufacturer and/ or your eye care professional.

Dry Eyes

One of the most common contact lens problems that wearers experience is dry eyes. Dry eyes can be avoided by using contact lens eye drops to wet the eyes or by wearing contact lenses specifically designed to keep eyes moist. Your eye care professional can tell you what brand of contact lenses help keep eyes wet and which ones don't.

Eye makeup

Always apply cosmetic makeup AFTER you put contact lenses in your eyes. This will help to avoid getting makeup on your contacts, which can cause extreme irritation, discomfort and a burning sensation caused by chemicals in the makeup. Eye makeup can also harbor bacteria, which can increase the chance of eye infection. Eye care professionals suggest removing contact lenses prior to removing makeup for much the same reasons.

Protein deposits

Throughout the day eyes naturally produce protein, which can build-up if you don't handle your contact lenses correctly, properly clean them or wear disposable contact lenses longer than prescribed. Protein buildup can impact the clarity of contact lenses, cause extreme discomfort and lead to long-term vision damage. Ask your eye doctor about ways to avoid protein buildup, such as over-the-counter eye drops and solutions and proper methods to clean your contact lenses and keep them clear.


Allergies and other irritants can become a menace for you and your contact lenses and it doesn't happen just around allergy season. We're surrounded by allergic triggers every day like dust, dander and various plants and food oils.

Don't let allergies stop you from wearing contact lenses. Discuss any known allergies with your eye doctor and wash your hands thoroughly prior to handling contacts.

Benefits of contact lens compliance

Is it true that some people wear disposable contact lenses long after the prescribed period?Yes.

Is it a good idea to wear them outside of compliance?A definitive NO!

Only about 40 percent of disposable contact lens wearers replace lenses as prescribed, causing protein buildup, eye infections and discomfort for thousands.

Is jeopardizing the health of your eyes worth saving a few measly dollars?The answer should be no.

To make it easy for patients to best comply with their contact lens prescription, eye care professionals sign their patients up for AutoShip, a program that dispatches contact lenses to your home or office at intervals predetermined by your prescribed compliance. This way, you never run out of contacts and can avoid common problems associated with non compliance such as eye infection, protein buildup, impaired vision and discomfort.

By using AutoShip, contact lens wearers place the burden of compliance on their eye care professional, who is now in charge of ensuring that contact lenses are delivered direct to you in a timely manner.

It's a fallacy that compliance is a means by which to sell consumers more contact lenses

It's vitally important for consumers to understand compliance. Compliance standards are based on the life of contact lens materials and a length of time most suitable to eye health. Complying with your contact lens prescription is a proactive means of preventing damage to your vision and your eyes and should be followed to the letter.

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Our practice is based on the philosophy of providing quality comprehensive vision care. With an overwhelming amount of options available to the public for personal and family vision care, we feel it necessity to offer an economical choice for those with their pocket books in check and on their mind's. Our Exams cost only $99.00 and include: a free pair of Single Vision glasses, a free pair of clear contacts, the contact lens fitting, and free visits for up to a year past your exam date just in case you need to see the doctor for anything like eye infections or to have adjustments made to your contact lens or glasses prescriptions. With the CONTACT LENSES X-PRESS Web Store as an added convenience, our patients are able to re-order their contacts and have them shipped directly to their homes.... This is somewhat of an extreme benefit for those that take advantage of buying more than one box at a time. With free shipping and huge rebates offered to select multiple box orders, you should definitely check out these special offers as you make your selection on our ordering pages!